PCBs are a critical part of the telecommunications industry. They’re necessary for consumer devices such as smartphones but also for the infrastructure that enables those devices to work.
The telecom sector uses a wide variety of types of PCBs because of the many different types of equipment used in the industry. Some equipment is kept in stable indoor environments, while some infrastructure must withstand outdoor environments that include storms and extreme temperatures.
Telecom equipment such as the following requires PCBs:
Telecom towers: Cell towers receive and transmit signals from cell phones and require PCBs that can withstand outdoor environments.
Office communications equipment: Much of the communication equipment you might find in an office requires PCBs, including phone switching systems, modems, routers and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) devices.
LED displays and indicators: Telecom equipment often includes LED displays and indicators, which utilize PCBs.
The telecom industry is constantly evolving, and so are the PCBs the sector uses. As we generate and transfer more data, powerful PCBs will become even more important for communications.